Ethos & Values
The mission of St John's School is to educate each child entrusted to our care to their full potential.
- to sustain and develop the love and practice of our Catholic Faith.
- to demonstrate the presence of Christ in the Community
In order to educate children entrusted to our care to their full potential we will
- offer a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum within a Catholic context, meeting the needs of all learners
- promote the development and well-being of each child equally assess the strengths and needs of each individual, creating personalised learning opportunities for all
- promote high expectations of the children in all aspects of school life
- provide a stimulating and well-resourced learning environment
- offer and signpost to a range of extra-curricular activities
- offer all children equal access to facilities and activities
- encourage the development of lively minds and independence
- help children to gain confidence and a sense of self-worth
- enable children to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding relevant to adult life and employment in a fast-changing world, providing firm foundations for the next phase of their learning
In order to sustain and develop the love and practice of our Catholic Faith we will
- have our Catholic values and purpose permeating all aspects of school life teach and foster the beliefs, traditions and practices of the Catholic Church
- play a full part in preparing our children for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion, in conjunction with the home and parish communities
- provide a wide range of opportunities to develop the prayer life of the school and individuals
- help children to develop spiritually towards a living and mature faith
- value each other's talents
- organise Eucharistic liturgies for and with children appropriate to their age
In order to demonstrate the Presence of Christ in the Community we will
- demonstrate Christian values in all our words and actions
- encourage a sense of caring and respect for all
- welcome every one who enters our school
- develop in everyone a responsible attitude to our environment and the world
- encourage the professional development of all who work herefoster links with the parishes, other schools and the wider community
- encourage all to make a positive contribution to society
- encourage all to strive for social justice and peace
Promoting British Values
As a Catholic School we actively promote values, virtues and ethics that shape our pupils character and moral perspective, through the teachings of the Church.
We are confident that our continued focus on the Gospel Values will give our pupils the necessary awareness of what it means to be a good citizen in Britain today, and embed in them the building blocks of a future successful and productive life.
At St John’s Catholic Primary School we believe in celebrating the increasingly diverse cultural backgrounds of our community whilst also promoting and holding true to what we recognise to be British Values. Democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths are taught explicitly through assemblies, PSHE, Citizenship and RE curriculum. It also permeates all aspects of the curriculum.
You can find out more about our Equalities objectives HERE