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Covid-19 Catch Up Premium Strategy

The Government’s commitment to supporting schools to ensure pupils have additional funding is in the form of a ‘Catch Up’ grant. The £1 billion has been separated into 2/3 for internal school support and 1/3 for a National Tutoring Programme. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has published some useful guidance to help inform schools as to the effective use of funding.

This financial year, primary schools will receive £80 for each primary-aged pupil.

St John’s school has produced an action plan detailing the key actions the school will take to accelerate the progress of pupils to mitigate the risk of underachievement caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Leaders are also closely monitoring how this funding is spent to achieve the goal that any child falling behind has made accelerated progress from their starting points.

Progress and attainment of all pupils is carefully tracked and analysed in order to plan ahead and measure the impact of the additional ‘Catch Up’ funding. 

Our ‘Catch Up’ plan is reviewed regularly and updated where necessary.

Our funding priorities fall into the following areas:

  • Quality of teaching for all
  • Targeted interventions
  • Engagement of parents / carers
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Regular attendance at school
  • Remote Learning

To view our Catch Up Strategy 2021-22, please click here

For the EFF Guide to supporting school planning 2021-22, please click here