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At St John's, Maths is taught following the National Curriculum requirements, using the Maths No Problem Scheme. This is a Singapore style approach which focuses on teaching maths for mastery. We use group work, discussion and concrete resources to understand and apply new concepts.

Incorporating the use of resources, problem solving and group work, the Maths No Problem Primary Series is child-centred and fun to teach and was assessed by the DfE’s expert panel, which judged that it alone met the core criteria for a high-quality textbook to support teaching for mastery.

Key Information

  • Maths textbooks and workbooks for Years 1 to 6

  • Based on the evidence-based approach developed in Singapore

  • Fully aligned with the 2014 English National Curriculum for maths

  • Complies with the UK’s High Quality Textbook guidance published by the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM)

Teaching Maths for Mastery

The whole class works through the programme of study at the same pace with ample time on each topic before moving on. Ideas are revisited at higher levels as the curriculum progresses through the years.

Differentiated Activities
Tasks and activities are designed to be easy for pupils to enter while still containing challenging components. For advanced learners, the textbooks also contain non-routine questions for pupils to develop their higher-order thinking skills. In addition, we use mastery and greater depth tasks in order to further challenge pupils. We promote independence and challenge for all.

Problem Solving
Lessons and activities are designed to be taught using problem-solving approaches to encourage pupils’ higher-level thinking. The focus is on working with pupils’ core competencies, building on what they know to develop their relational understanding, based on Richard Skemp’s work.

Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) Approach
Based on Jerome Bruner’s work, pupils learn new concepts initially using concrete examples, such as counters, then progress to drawing pictorial representations before finally using more abstract symbols, such as the equals sign.

The questions and examples are carefully varied by expert authors to encourage pupils to think about the maths. Rather than provide mechanical repetition, the examples are designed to deepen pupils’ understanding and reveal misconceptions.

International Research
By incorporating established learning research into a highly effective approach, Singapore has become a “laboratory of maths teaching”. The Primary Maths Series is founded on the international research of Piaget, Dienes, Bruner, Skemp and Vygotsky and has been tested and refined over the last 30 years in Singapore.

UK Evidence
The Maths — No Problem! primary series was assessed by the DfE’s expert panel, which judged that it alone met the core criteria for a high quality textbook to support teaching for mastery. As a result, the Maths – No Problem! Primary series is the only textbook which has been placed on a list of recommended textbooks for schools on the mastery programme.


In early years the children experience maths everyday through whole class teaching, focused activities with an adult and through play opportunities in and outside the classroom.  Maths is discovered, explored discussed and made sense of from the child's own perspective, guided and facilitated by the adults.  Throughout the year there are various opportunities to build in the Maths - No Problem approach so that children go into year 1 feeling at ease and familiar with the scheme's content. 

Support for Parents
There are a number of videos which explain the key methods taught using Maths No Problem – these can be found using the following link: 


Maths at Home

Times Tables Rockstars is a fun and competitive way for children to learn their times tables. Each child from Year 1 to Year 6 has been given a username and password so that they can develop their knowledge and recall of the times tables and compete against school friends to be the ultimate Times Tables Rockstar. Children can play at https://ttrockstars.com/  

Please click on the year group below to view the Curriculum Statement for each year group:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6